Vocal Hygiene – How To Keep Your Voice Healthy

The term “vocal hygiene” refers to the things you can do to keep your voice healthy. Here are my tips for a voice in top shape!

10 bad habits and things to avoid

  1. Don’t eat too many fatty and acidic foods as they can cause reflux.
  2. Don’t go to bed right after eating (for the same reason).
  3. Avoid hot drinks after singing.
  4. Avoid direct exposure to air conditioning or heating. Use a humidifier in dry environments and regulate your water intake accordingly.
  5. Avoid yelling and talking in loud situations.
  6. Avoid alcohol, drugs and smoking.
  7. Don’t sing when you’re sick.
  8. Avoid clearing your throat and coughing often.
  9. Don’t talk too much after a performance. Let your voice rest.
  10. Don’t whisper for extended periods of time.
come mantenere sana la voce canto

10 good habits for a healthy voice

  1. Get at least 7 hours of sleep a night.
  2. Drink at least 2 liters of water a day (about 8 glasses) and more before a performance (in the two days before the performance).
  3. Exercise regularly.
  4. Follow a balanced diet.
  5. Keep allergies under control but watch out for dehydrating medications. Antihistamines tend to dehydrate.
  6. Practice singing several times a day for shorter periods of time, rather than once for a long period of time. Take enough breaks.
  7. Maintain good posture and head-neck-shoulder alignment.
  8. Learn to warm up your voice before singing and cool it down afterwards.
  9. Study vocal technique with a teacher to learn how to sing without damaging your voice.
  10. Stop singing if you experience pain, discomfort, hoarseness, or loss of voice. If this type of problem persists, see a laryngologist specialized in voice disorders as soon as possible.



– “Le parole della scena. Glossario della voce del cantante e dell’attore”  by Franco Fussi and Silvia Magnani
– “Taking care of your voice”  by National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD)