The term “vocal hygiene” refers to the things you can do to keep your voice healthy. Here are my tips for a voice in top shape!
10 bad habits and things to avoid
- Don’t eat too many fatty and acidic foods as they can cause reflux.
- Don’t go to bed right after eating (for the same reason).
- Avoid hot drinks after singing.
- Avoid direct exposure to air conditioning or heating. Use a humidifier in dry environments and regulate your water intake accordingly.
- Avoid yelling and talking in loud situations.
- Avoid alcohol, drugs and smoking.
- Don’t sing when you’re sick.
- Avoid clearing your throat and coughing often.
- Don’t talk too much after a performance. Let your voice rest.
- Don’t whisper for extended periods of time.
10 good habits for a healthy voice
- Get at least 7 hours of sleep a night.
- Drink at least 2 liters of water a day (about 8 glasses) and more before a performance (in the two days before the performance).
- Exercise regularly.
- Follow a balanced diet.
- Keep allergies under control but watch out for dehydrating medications. Antihistamines tend to dehydrate.
- Practice singing several times a day for shorter periods of time, rather than once for a long period of time. Take enough breaks.
- Maintain good posture and head-neck-shoulder alignment.
- Learn to warm up your voice before singing and cool it down afterwards.
- Study vocal technique with a teacher to learn how to sing without damaging your voice.
- Stop singing if you experience pain, discomfort, hoarseness, or loss of voice. If this type of problem persists, see a laryngologist specialized in voice disorders as soon as possible.
– “Le parole della scena. Glossario della voce del cantante e dell’attore” by Franco Fussi and Silvia Magnani
– “Taking care of your voice” by National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD)